Friday, October 17, 2008
Found Shopping List, University of Chicago 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
Judging from the condition of the note, can see why "wipes" are on this shopping list - but I'm fairly sure you won't find any in the Bursar's office at the University of Chicago.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008
One Darn Big Cadillac Coney Dawg: Not a Michigan! 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
Da Dawg House DaShound

If you happen to find yourself in Cadillac, MI, try this: "Da DaShound" is one darn big (half-pound!) "Coney Island Dog," the reputed inspiration for the North Country "Michigan Hot Dog." While both have a meat-chili based sauce (the DaShound seems to contain Hormelâ„¢ chili), chopped onions, and mustard on a hot dog in a bun, their similarity ends there.

You see, the Coney Island (NY) Dog is from Michigan, and the Michigan Hot Dog is from New York. Confusing, no? It makes one wonder, was there once a Great Hot Dog Exchange between the two states?

The Northern New York "Michigan" has a mysterious history and a nearly impossible-to-duplicate taste. That's because the Michigan sauce recipe has been a closely-guarded secret for generations, and true Michigans are invariably prepared with local Glazierâ„¢ hot dogs and New England (top-cut) hot dog buns - the kind normally used to make lobster rolls.

Bun Logic

Now, if you find yourself in Plattsburgh, NY (or vicinity), try a real Michigan "with, buried": that's local code for "with onions," "buried" under the hot dog rather than sprinkled on top. Locals all have their favorite spots, all quite good in my opinion: Nitzi's, Gus', Clare and Carl's, McSweeney's, Ronnie's, and Michigans Plus being the best known.

Note: the utensils here are a standard size restaurant knife and fork. Seen (and eaten) at Da Dawg House, on M115 in Cadillac, MI.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday Puzzle 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
What do these pictures have in common? Hint: what do they depict?

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Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday Confession Time 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
I have something a tad shameful to admit, and this blog seems the ideal place for a confession of this nature.

I have a laptop bag fetish.

Yes, while some women have a dozen pairs of strappy sandals in their closet, or get a momentary high from purchasing yet another cute little Coach bag - I love a nice boxy black laptop bag, with a comfy padded shoulder strap - with bonus points for leather and a RFI-protective cellphone pocket.

Some might say, "you only have one laptop, there's no need to own five different bags to schlep it around in."

My response to that argument is, "people who own a closet full of shoes still only have two feet." So there.


Wednesday, October 08, 2008
A Midwestern Moment... 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
"Maybe the moment
has something to do
with what's going on
in Kalamazoo.
everyone's leaving
the town is in shock
where are they going?
To Manitowoc."
-- Ken Nordine, in a 2001 Salon interview with Michael Monteleone.

Odd but true: the Nordines are our next door neighbors (I've met him twice, once at a neighborhood association function a few years ago, and once as he was walking to his garage) and their lovely old home looks like the house that often appears in my dreams as an avatar of my subconscious. As I walk by with our pup Sammy, I often wonder what treasures and mysteries its shutters conceal.

I was introduced to him by a mutual friend (who also once worked in the entertainment industry) at that function. A charming gentleman, we spoke for a few minutes about radio and the media, and at the end he imparted these words of wisdom regarding freedom: "no one ever really gives you freedom - you have to take it," his hand making a snatching gesture in the air.

How true, I thought. How very true.


Friday, October 03, 2008
Friday Random Ten: The (Jesus) Jonesing for the Nineties Edition 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
  1. Milt Jackson - "Angel Face"
  2. Brian Wilson - "Song for Children"
  3. Apoptygma Berzerk - "Rebel"
  4. Fugees - "The Score"
  5. Ulf Sandberg Quartet - "Bolivia"
  6. Rodriguez - "Inner City Blues"
  7. Sad Salamanders - "Dirty Martini Time"
  8. Foo Fighters - "Headwires"
  9. Hugh Masekela - "If There's Anybody Out There"
  10. Pretenders - "Talk of the Town"

If nothing else, that's a rather geographically and ethnically diverse Friday Top Ten. Say, remember the band Jesus Jones, of "Right Here, Right Now" renown? For some reason, I've been thinking about the Nineties a lot (wink wink). Probably all the Twin Peaks we've been watching. Here's one of the Jonesers' more obscure-but-enjoyable tracks (which you've likely never heard if you didn't listen to college radio back then, or own the Doubt cassette), "Who? Where? Why?" from the Doubt album:

(P.S.) I'm not sure of the origin of the "Evil Apple" logo above, but it's now my Windows background image. There's an even better "Evil Apple" image here.
