Tuesday, May 22, 2007

- Don't know your zeugma from your skotision? Bone up on your rhetorical skills at Silva Rhetoricae, the Forest of Rhetoric.
- Dr. Jay Chapman, creator of the lethal injection procedure, believes it's time to change the formula [CNN]
- Fetish piece or Cold War kitsch? The Gas Mask Shower [Chris Dimino Design]
- "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie™ Roll?" See it in CGI and the original hand-drawn cel version; like the new "Psycho," utterly unnecessary.
- How to make a fruit helmet for your cat: one orange required per cat [via BoingBoing]
- Charlie the Tuna and Curly the Cudahy Pork Pig share a dark secret: they're "Suicide Food" mascots! [Slashfood]
- Blackface is alive and well...in Japan [via PCLink Dump]
- Don't just search deep...search deeper. OEDb's Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources.
- Would you eat food grown in the "Chernobyl Zone"? One intrepid BBC journalist tries the region's radioactive delights, as consumed by numbers of diehards:
Anna is a wonderful, garrulous 83-year-old babushka who has returned to the Zone of Alienation. She was outraged to hear that the BBC had instructed me not to eat any of her food and she began a sustained bullying campaign, saying: "What's wrong with you? There's nothing to fear from my food - God will protect you." Her reasoning was pretty simple: "If it were contaminated we would have died a long time ago, but we've been eating it for 20 years already!"
[via James at FarkleberriesUSA] - In "Technical Synesthesia," researchers at the University of Wisconsin and other locations hack the inner wiring of our senses, creating unbelievable remixes of the human interface with the physical world. [BoingBoing]
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