Saturday, June 10, 2006
No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth...but Blogger (the service) has been seriously malfing last week, hence no updates. At left, a picture of Blogger's discarded printed circuit boards from the latest "maintenance." No, actually it's a photo of an enormous pile of discarded electronic waste from somewhere in Asia; click the image for more details (on an Ecuadorian website), and other very dystopian images of poor folk scavenging through technological debris. Talk about "Heavy Metal Poisoning"!In the meanwhile, may I introduce you to a fine new blogger (the person), my brother-in-law Matthew, who is currently on internship assignment in Istanbul (Not Constantinople), Turkey! Travels To Turkey is his fascinating blog detailing life, work - and occasionally, leisure (smile) - in this beautiful ancient land. Be sure to say "hello"!