Friday, January 20, 2006

Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe Muscovites are freezing - literally. A severe cold spell in Russia (temperatures have dropped as low as -30°F for days) has officially caused the death of several dozen people, pehaps many more. According to Russian news source RIA-Novosti, even the zoo animals need some "liquid warmth":
At a zoo in Lipetsk, south of Moscow, director Alexander Osipov said monkeys would be given wine three times a day "to protect against colds," the RIA-Novosti news agency reported. Rossiya television said a circus sea lion was being treated for pneumonia with brandy body rubs.And yes, I did doctor the monkey picture to include the wine bottle. However, trying to Photoshop a sea lion receiving a cognac body rub seemed excessive. I do wonder what sort of tipple these Soviet simians prefer?