Tuesday, December 20, 2005
- For weeks, I've been looking for a "just right" recipe to prepare traditional figgy pudding; lo and behold, Jason Kuznicki over at Positive Liberty shares his personal recipe. There's another interesting, veddy English version of figgy pudding over at UK's The Foody; caveat - it's a tad rich in suet, booze, and fiber.
- The 10X10 Project is a live, hourly-updated site displaying
...the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time. Over the course of days, months, and years, 10x10 leaves a trail of these hourly statements which, stitched together side by side, form a continuous patchwork tapestry of human life....10x10 scans the RSS feeds of several leading international news sources, and performs an elaborate process of weighted linguistic analysis on the text contained in their top news stories. After this process, conclusions are automatically drawn about the hour's most important words. The top 100 words are chosen, along with 100 corresponding images, culled from the source news stories. [Via Bung Phê's Blog]
- The Gadflyer offers a concise look at the Dover intelligent-design case ruling, and a link to the full transcript [PDF] of the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District case ruling at FindLaw
- One more reason to be glad I don't live in NYC: the MTA transit strike. MetBog promises to cover the chaos "blow by freakin' blow." One of the little "inconveniences" connected to the strike is that vehicles must have at least 4 passengers to be allowed entry to bridges and tunnels into the city. It's prompted some creative hitchhiking action:
I drove in with a few friends....actually 6 of us piled into my trusted 91 jeep Cherokee. Over the Brooklyn Bridge we went. Getting to the bridge was a slow crawl. The cops were stopping every car and checking the number of occupants. The car in front of us had only two people. Was the driver stupid or what ?? Didn’t he hear the news regarding the occupancy restrictions? Well he didn’t. The cop on station was more ingenious. He caught hold of two pedestrians who were going to walk and made them sit in the car and let the car onto the bridge. Talk about hustling !! [read more on MetBlog NYC]
And just before the holidays, oy. What if your car's a two seater or full of luggage? I certainly hope Chicago transit workers don't strike anytime in the near future - there'd be few million frozen tushes in the Windy City. - Gapers Block tips us to this Chicago Tribune article, which reports the city is ordering new buses with wider seats - to accomodate our city's wider seats:
The Chicago Transit Authority and Pace have ordered wider seats for the hundreds of buses that'll begin hitting the streets next year. Typically, bus seats are about 17 1/2-inches wide, according to industry officials. But the City of Big Shoulders can soon settle into some of the nation's biggest transit seats - 18 inches wide.
Perhaps the CTA could take a tip from Australia's Butt Bus Lines, which offers
You could call it a natural progression for a city that at least one fitness magazine recently ranked the fifth-fattest city in America. But you won't hear that from transportation officials. CTA President Frank Kruesi said the wider seats reflect "growing support" for transit. Melinda Metzger, a Pace deputy executive director, said she thinks "people like a little more room in the seat." [read full article, reg. req.]Shuttle Buses & Day trips around Melbourne. Wine tours, Eat & drink on board, Heritage tours all over Victoria. Melbourne Airport transfers to Melbourne CBD for $110.00 21 seat bus plus trailer. CD player, BBQ, Karaoke Microphone, railer for Luggage. Ike the performing dog on request. 21 & 24 seat buses, Not Air conditioned.