Friday, October 07, 2005
Tomorrow, a couple dozen Edgewaterites (including myself) will be heading to the Thorndale "L" station for a rousing morning of scraping, cleaning, scrubbing, deodorizing and painting as part of Chicago's grassroots Better Transit project:Neighbors Unite to Improve Red Line StationsScrubba-dubba-doo, and grilled brats too! [as seen on Gapers Block]
Tired of waiting for the CTA to make the Thorndale Station better, the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce, Edgewater Community Council and the Edgewater Development Corporation have united to take matters in their own hands. Together with paint brushes, brooms and other materials they will meet at the Thorndale Station on Saturday, October 8th from 9 till noon. Work will be followed by grilled hotdogs and brats.
Edgewater Community Council president Rae Ann Cecrle is facilitating the group with different plans for different stations. With the help of Loyola University Chicago the Granville station got a face-lift last summer including additional lights. The Thorndale station actually has the same number of fixtures but they need to be turned on more often and have brighter bulbs. The Chamber has tried several routes to get the lighting improved, including going through CAPS and the City Budget process without success.