Friday, June 03, 2005
The Friday Random Ten: Name That Tune edition 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
I like this variation on the Friday Random Ten (seen on Trish Wilson's Blog [via Pinko Feminist Hellcat]) where one posts song lyrics from the Random Ten Songs instead of the artists and titles. Before we begin, let me share two very good posts I read today:In the "weird news," a Chicago nursing home resident died after he caught fire in his wheelchair. The cause of the fire is "unknown." As they say, hmmm. Anyhow, here goes:
  1. Will you meet your mind where the night collides
    Will you greet yourself when the sun arrives
    I'll just stay behind, I've met mine
  2. From station to station
    back to Dusseldorf City
    Meet Iggy Pop and David Bowie

    [clue: these grandfathers of techno play The Riviera in Chicago tomorrow night]
  3. I will loose you
    Existing were no soul apart
    You stand on a platform
    Your effigy dissolves in my hands
  4. It brings back the sound of music so tender,
    It brings back a night of tropical splendor,
    It brings back a memory ever green.
  5. You can take all the tea in china
    Put it in a big brown bag for me
    Sail right around the seven oceans
    Drop it straight into the deep blue sea
  6. Driving down those city streets waiting to get down
    Want to get your big machine somewhere in this town
    Now in the parking lot garage, I found a proper place
    Just follow all the written rules, you'll fit into the space
  7. Where thorns are a teaser
    I've played a double jeu
    Yherushalaim at easter
    I cry I pray mon Dieu
  8. Grey men who speak of victory
    Shed light upon their stolen life
    They drive by night and act as if they're moved by unheard music
    To step in time and play the part
    With velvet voices smooth and cold
    Their power games a game no more
    And long the chance to use it
  9. Frankenstein and Dracula have nothing on you
    Jekyll and Hyde join the back of the queue
  10. Got my best suit and my tie
    Shiny silver dollar on either eye
    I hear the chauffeur comin' to the door
    Says there's room for maybe just one more