Wednesday, March 09, 2005
- WIRED on spy blogs:
"...why not tap the brainpower of the blogosphere as well? The intelligence community does a terrible job of looking outside itself for information. From journalists to academics and even educated amateurs - there are thousands of people who would be interested and willing to help. Imagine how much traffic an official CIA Iraq blog would attract. If intelligence organizations built a collaborative environment through blogs, they could quickly identify credible sources, develop a deep backfield of contributing analysts, and engage the world as a whole. How cool would it be to gain "trusted user" status on a CIA blog?"
- Today's prescription from 3hive is RX's Dubya-meets-classic-tunes mashups; download 'em free now, and laugh all the way to the temp agency
- Working musical instruments [like a hammer dulcimer and harpsichord] made of LEGO®'s [via Swen's Blog], music played by earthworms [mp3's available, via Boing Boing], and glowing musical cubes [via Gizmodo] whose function I can't quite discern [UPDATE: I read the linked Stanford project page, and the cubes are a sort of "tangible user interface" for music processing] - perhaps some sort of "color organ," or synthetic synesthetic? [The journal Nature has a fascinating article on E.S., a musician who tastes note intervals]
- The 21st Century Color Organ
- Begging to Differ's Venkat talks chaat and comments on the increasing popularity of things Indian in America:
"...On a personal note, it's sort of maddening to see Indian culture become so popular. (It's probably a fad.) I paid a heavy heavy price in junior high school for my cultural heritage...[t]o them, I was just another Gandhi on the block."
I can certainly relate; in the Cold War 70's I was always perceived as "the kid from behind the Iron Curtain" at school, although I felt more American than anything else. Thank goodness for cities like Chicago, the first place I've lived where people have no trouble pronouncing my name. ;) - Grandma's barware and Chinese beef jerky are also hot in NYC [Village Voice]
- Chicago is one of the world's alpha cities, according to Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network [GaWC]
- Vintage farkleberries [from 2003] in the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine!
- Quote of the day: "That sort of naivette is monstrous."
- Unauthorized: make your own Apple™ products [via Sushiesque]
![Stanford Audio Cubes Project](