Wednesday, May 19, 2004
There's Nothing Quite Like Geology Humor  
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
I love geeky humor, and I found this page painfully funny: from the Church of the Subgenius, Phoenix Clench #1: The Mystical Powers of Rocks (Geosolipsism). Samples?
SCHWARTZITE (Ground SCHWARTZ)-When swallowed, causes severe gastrointestinal upset similar to an ulcer. Very useful before business meetings, public speaking and in divorce court.

SHITZT - Helps to channel the creative energies of dead people who, in their previous lives, had none. They still don't. And nothing is quite like the inane and mindless small talk of some peasant who lived 400 years ago. Very practical when responding to USENET messages.

PONTIUS PILITES - Gives one hemorrhoids that hang like grapes.

IRIQUOISE - Strips away fear of heights. Promotes loathing of French people and guides one in the smuggling of cigarettes. (A Quebec/New York inside joke/ethnic slur)
Coincidentally, I'm reading Carl Sagan's 1996 work on the history of science and pseudoscience, The Demon-Haunted World; it's very, very good so far, and were he alive today he'd suffer no guff from the Church of Sub-Genius. He'd also probably find it quite funny, too.