Monday, May 17, 2004
A Revolutionary Day 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
Galois has a superb post countering Yahoo! News op-ed columnist Maggie Gallagher's recent comments stating that same-sex marriage is "the triumph of the most radical ideas of the sexual revolution: that gender doesn't matter, children are secondary, [and] expressing your authentic sexual self is more important than, well, practically anything else." From Galois:
"I want to note how surprised I was that somebody would consider gay marriage a triumph of the sexual revolution. When I think sexual revolution I think sex outside of marriage, casual sex with multiple partners, in short sex without responsibility. Gay marriage seems to me to be the opposite of that. It is about getting married, being monogamous, and putting sex within a larger framework of obligations and responsibility. I'm amazed that someone would call people seeking to marry sexual revolutionaries."
The post then powerfully debunks Gallagher's other "points" as well, with this central clear note:
"I do not see gay marriage as a triumph for the ideas of the sexual revolution, or even for the ideas Gallagher associates with the sexual revolution. Rather I see it as a triumph for the ideas of the American Revolution: that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Bravo. And to the couples making history today in Massachusetts, felicitations - and let freedom ring!