Friday, May 14, 2004
Devouring Synapses with Tim 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
This fellow, Tim Mendelsohn, sounds like he'd have a blast at the University of Chicago. He's an Oxford student with an interesting viewpoint on the rarefied world of world-class academic socializing:
University is meant to be the best time of one's life. If this truly is as good as it will ever get, it's time to eviscerate those arteries, kiddies. Foetid, synapse-devouring drinks line tables, decanted into plastic cups by the entz reps, glowing all the while like Chernobyl overspill. Ever wonder why you seem to espy so many misshapen and ghoulish human things lurking and gibbering in gloomy corners of the room? Years of exposure to this Oxford home brew and not enough sunlight are the problem. Yes, it's the scientists coming out to play.