Monday, March 15, 2004
TPOTC: Drink This in Remembrance of Me 
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
So...tonight my friend and I are going to see The Passion of the Christ, because, darn it, it's a Monday and the crowds are less crowd-y. Via Kottke.org, I found the Childcare Action Project's CAPAlert analysis of the film's W.I.S.D.O.M. quotient (but take note, the article is actually a Christian homily disguised as a film review). Now, the fact that some parents would even consider taking younger children to see this film boggles the mind, but that's a subject for another blog post.

Among their exhaustive list of the film's objectionable scenes, I did find something rather amusing: they cited the film for its Drugs and Alcohol content (the "D" in W.I.S.D.O.M.), for its portrayal of "Drinking Wine, repeatedly."

"No, dear, we can't take junior to see The Passion of the Christ. It's not the flesh-ripping, limb-nailing, gut-spearing and whip-scourging that bothers me.

It's all those long-haired people drinking wine."