Thursday, September 18, 2003
by Lenka Reznicek [permalink] 
If you're interested in a unique, heady, and surreal classic TV series be sure to check out The Prisoner, Patrick McGoohan's landmark 1960's series.

I really got into the show back the 80's when it ran frequently on PBS - my dad and I would sit around the tube and watch the show together and discuss the politics of its mordant, not-so-oblique social commentary.

Once is not enough to catch all the nuances of this decidedly un-television-y television show, so I got a copy of the A&E Prisoner box set (actually, received it as a birthday present a couple of years ago) and have been re-watching it periodically since. It's not for everyone, not for every occasion; but then, neither is John Coltrane or an obscure J.S. Bach invention. It's that kind of series...not always comprehensible or even likeable -- but often the veil lifts, and you see the genius Wizard behind the curtain. Well worth the effort.

Be seeing you.